"She thought she could, so she did"

Homemade facial

I know how easy it is to get lost in time and enter a vicious cycle of putting makeup on and wiping it off and not taking care of our skin as we go along . It's important we all set time aside weekly to just relax and take care of our skin. Well I try to keep this going every week and it’s very difficult now since we’ve all got busy schedules, but we should all treat ourselves to a weekly facial. This doesn’t mean we have to go out and spend £50-£70 on a facial but it can be done from the comfort of your own home.
I have been doing this facial mask for a couple of months now and it really gives my skin the opportunity to breathe. I have noticed a massive change in my skin since I’m prone to getting outbreaks, but since using this facial I’ve realised my skin is becoming clearer and softer. Also as this facial only consists of natural ingredients, it is perfect for all my fellow girls with sensitive skin. From my first time using the facial mask I’ve noticed dark circles around my eyes are becoming a little lighter, not a massive change but it still feels good to see a difference.
The face mask consists of fresh lemon, organic honey (does not have to be organic), sugar, hint of olive oil and natural yogurt. The natural yogurt is not essential but I’ve started to recently add it and have noticed it helps my skin glow. You will need 1 tbsp of olive oil, 1 tsp of sugar, 1 tbsp of honey, 1 tbsp of freshly squeezed lemon and 1 tbsp of natural yogurt. Also to sit back and relax you’ll need 2 slices of cucumber, you can keep this facial on for as long as you want, but I recommend no less than 10 minutes and no more than 30 minutes as it tends to become sticky. 

After you get hold of all your ingredients, mix them altogether and make sure all of the ingredients are mixed well before applying it to your face. Make sure the mixture is not too runny or too thick it must be just in between. The colour isn't very appealing but it will do wonders for you, do not scrub the mask harshly on to your face, take your time and do it slowly and softly. This is your chance to sit back and relax, forget about all your problems/worriers and enjoy your free time. When washing off the scrub use warm water or a soaked towel, wash off the scrub gently and make sure you wash all of the scrub off. If you would like to use the scrub for your neck just double the ingredients. I have seen many people make a batch of this, but do not do this since the ingredients will not be fresh, just make 1 batch each time.

You can alter the ingredients since all of our skins are different and you might be sensitive to one of these ingredients. I love making my own facial masks and cleansers at home so would love to hear more natural cleansers from you all. Especially since I’m now struggling with blackheads and looking for natural remedies or facial scrubs I can find. 

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