"She thought she could, so she did"


As a university student I know the pain of having to stay under a certain budget. But just cause I have to stay within a budget doesn't mean I can't treat myself. So a couple weeks ago I went on a hunt for mascara, everyone who has short eyelashes will feel my pain when I say they're a nightmare. It takes about at least 5 coats for my eyelashes to become slightly visible. So as I was strolling between aisles in Superdrug frantically searching, when I found one within my price range.
Collection Big Fake Curves Mascara.

The price wasn't too bad £5, which was a bit of a breather since I was trying to stay under a certain amount. As soon as I went home I tried it and I was impressed almost straight away. As I applied it to my lashes, they instantly became visible, I applied 3 more coats and that was it, I didn't need anymore as my lashes looked fuller and longer without clumps. Also due to the way the brush is designed it spaces each eyelash out evenly and it's really easy to apply to bottom lashes. Since buying this mascara I haven't used any of my other ones, plus I brought another one since then because it was half price :)))). I would highly recommend this to anyone with short eyelashes, cause trust me when I say I know how hard they can be to work with. I am not a fan of false lashes, as they irritate my eyes, mascara is really important to me, so I am thrilled that I've found this one. If I find a better one I will update you guys after using the product for one week.

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